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Termites & Other Pests

Termites rarely emerge from food sources through which they are tunneling. Most people are not aware they have termites until they see a swarm.

They're found in 49 of the 50 states (Alaska has been spared the scourge), and cause an estimated $50 billion in damage to buildings and dwellings every year.

Termites are scary because they can cause extensive damage before you ever realize you have a pest problem. They eat wood from the inside out, so their presence is hard to detect unless you know what to look for. Everything will look solid and sturdy until your porch starts listing to the left or collapses completely. Well, it's not quite that bad. Termites actually work pretty slowly, especially when you consider that some nests can harbor hundreds of thousands of hungry mouths to feed.

Connecticut Building Check, LLC provides comprehensive report about infestations from termites and other descructive insects.  You can see one of our sample reports by clicking on the sample report link in the footer below.


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